Let Gediz Delta Live!

180,000 ₺ awarded

 Status: Completed

Project duration: December 2022- August 2023



Gediz Delta is one of the most important wetlands in the Mediterranean Basin with its biological diversity. Although it has national and international protection status, it is faced with many threats, especially construction, as it is in the metropolis of Izmir, whose population exceeds 4 million.



Gediz Delta is one of the 14 Ramsar sites of international importance in Turkey. In order to ensure the sustainable management of the Delta, is the project aims to increase the awareness of the people of Izmir, local decision makers and local civil society on the importance of the delta. Another goal of the project is to ensure the participation and engagement of civil society and experts in the management mechanisms of the delta.



  • Reaching the children and youth of the Gediz Delta
  • Educational activities with children, youth and educators.
  • Increase capacity of NGOs to engage decision-making mechanisms of the delta.
  • Increasing number of NGOs and experts will contribute management of the delta.


Project’s deliverables

  • Monitoring and Defence of the Gediz Delta by different NGOs especially who work on food productions in delta.
  • Engagement of local civil society organizations to decision-making processes for the sustainable use of the Gediz Delta.


About the organisation: Nature Association – Doga Dernegi is a non-profit organization in Turkey, working to conserve the country’s nature. The association is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and partners with BirdLife International in Turkey. Doga Association works with thousands of members and volunteers to protect the diverse life in Turkey. It introduced the “Key Biodiversity Areas” method and published the book “Key Biodiversity Areas of Turkey” in 2006. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has adopted this methodology as the international standard for the designation of protected areas.