Plastic Free Shores Plastic Free Waters

25,067.50 GBP awarded

Status: ON-GOING 

Project duration: May 2024 – December 2024


We are delighted to be supporting Plastic Free Shores, Plastic Free Waters Project for another year, thanks to generous support from Conservation Collective and Depeche Mode & Hublot partnership. 



Plastic pollution poses a grave concern in Türkiye, evident through the prevalent sight of improperly discarded plastic waste. There is an urgent need to address the growing plastic pollution along the coastlines, as indicator areas for both land-based and marine-based pollution. The breakdown of plastic waste not only disrupts the delicate balance of marine life but also poses significant public health risks as these pollutants enter the food chain.  Creating a plastic-free environment involves increasing public awareness and encouraging individuals to minimize waste, rather than depending solely on local authorities for waste removal. This strategy relies on cultivating each person’s conscience and sense of responsibility. 




Key aspects of the first phase of the project include informative beach clean-up activities, the establishment of information kiosks on both beaches, and training sessions for young volunteers to understand ecological impacts and promote waste reduction. On-the-go questionnaires also gathered feedback from beach visitors, while media and social media platforms were utilized to amplify the project’s reach. A promotional video to highlight the project’s impact and a report with statistical data was published and disseminated through a press release. 

Project’s deliverables

  • Visual materials: Design and production of three distinct posters highlighting facts, figures, and negative impacts associated with plastics, along with a brochure focusing primarily on single-use plastics. These materials were prominently displayed throughout the activities. 
  • Questionnaires: The questionnaires revealed that while 65.5% of the beach users did not perceive cigarette butts as litter, 58.2% did not know that cigarette butts were plastic wastes, and the likelihood of littering was highly connected to the assumption that someone else would handle the clean-up. 
  • Media Coverage: With the contributions and participation of local municipalities, tourism investor associations, Blue Flag hotels, international participants of an Erasmus+ project, and Rotary Antalya, the project garnered substantial media coverage and attention. A project video has been produced and is available on YouTube: Plastic-free Shores, Plastic-free Waters. 



Second phase of the project aims to tackle the escalating plastic pollution along coastlines, serving as indicators of both land-based and marine-based pollution. It emphasizes raising public awareness and fostering individual responsibility in waste reduction, rather than relying solely on local authorities for cleanup efforts.

This phase of the project aims to achieve this through four pillars: (i) reducing single-use plastics (SUPs) through awareness campaigns at public beaches, (ii) educational sessions, (iii) plastic-free July workshops for children and parents, and (iv) development of a ‘Plastic-free Living’ booklet.

The awareness campaign will focus on collaborating extensively with district municipalities, tourism stakeholders, hotels, NGOs, public figures, and companies. 


Project’s deliverables

  • Public Beach Events: These events, will be held at three popular beaches in Antalya, and aim to raise awareness about single-use plastics. They will feature informative booths, educational activities, and cleanup efforts, involving volunteers and engaging beach visitors. Expected outcomes include increased awareness, preference for alternatives to single-use plastics, and the recruitment of new volunteers. 
  • Educational Sessions: Pre-event seminars will equip the project team with knowledge about plastics, recycling, and their impacts. Experts will conduct these sessions, fostering discussions and preparing the team to effectively engage with the public during beach events. The goal is to ensure that the team is well-prepared to deliver accurate information and answer questions. 
  • Plastic-free July Workshops for Kids: These workshops target young children and parents, promoting awareness and behavioral change regarding plastic usage. Activities include recycling and upcycling practices, aiming to instill environmental responsibility. The outcome is expected to be increased awareness among children and parents, potentially leading to a shift in consumer habits. 
  • Plastic-free Living Booklet: A booklet containing tips for reducing plastic usage and information on alternatives will be distributed to decision-makers and tourism facilities, advocating for plastic-free initiatives. Expected outcomes include increased awareness, promotion of sustainable alternatives, and potentially, the establishment of plastic-free zones. 


About the organisation: EKAD- Ecological Research Association is an NGO, founded in 2003 by academics working on biodiversity and nature conservation. Since the beginning, EKAD has established a harmonious and fruitful cooperation with universities, ministries, municipalities, other NGOs, and private enterprises. EKAD continues its mission mainly through sea turtle monitoring and conservation projects, joined by a growing number of national and international volunteers every year, to provide the best example of sustainable biodiversity.