Legal and institutional support and empowerment of local NGOs

TCEF aims to identify, support and collaborate with “local champions” such as local activists, community group leaders, researchers, staff or trustees of local charities, NGOs and small-scale cooperatives.

However, these individuals or local groups do not always have the fitting skills, knowledge, resources, and access to decision-making mechanisms to make as much difference as they would like to. Available funds for building capacity and resources which effectively communicate nature and marine conservation initiatives at the local level is limited in Turkey.

We provide funding to projects supporting and empowering these local entities in various thematic areas including advocacy, networking, and knowledge and data sharing in sites where they wish to mobilise an impactful conservation action.

Goal 4 | Department of Economic and Social AffairsSustainable Development Goal 16 - WikipediaGoal 17 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs


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